Money Well version 1.7 was great in its simplicity. But be forewarned that the new version changes some things. If you liked to forecast your future transactions with the repeating of your current major expenses and placing some dummy expenses in the future to try out various possibilities this functionality has been changed and no longer works in a straight foreword manner. If you are like me and all your flexible costs ( food clothes gas etc) with Credit cards and pay them off in one lump each month to eliminate bank per transaction charges and keep your debit card safe from being cloned, then there are actually only fixed expenses that run through your main account and very few actual purchases. The forward repeat of income and expenses was a very acturate way to predict the future several months in advance. This was also very useful in this case because you are purchasing with money of the future so you must have an acurate view of your espense flow atleast two to three months ahead. For this, the repeat into the future transactions was very useful in version 1.7 -- 2.0 has killed that. At the moment in the new version you cannot see that flow of transactions unless you add each one manually .. it does take forward the scheduled transactions in to the cash flow view of your account.
The buckets idea is much the same, but as other reviewers have noted, the change to the ease of making a spending plan has occurred, however your current spending plan will import into the new version.
The new interface is fancier, more Lion like, but I actually like the old interface better. I for one will not be using my update until the software returns the foreword repeating of future transactions and bring my charished forecasting ability back to like it was before. Atleast that the option would be available to make that feature return.
Bespeaker about MoneyWell, v2.0.1